We come home with a new appreciation of "home". Not the house we live in (although, it's pretty dang cute), but the place where we are, right now. Rich Mullins often spoke of this concept in his lyrics. In "Sometimes By Step" he spoke of Abraham, "He was a stranger in this land, And I am that, no less than he". And, of Christ, in his song "You Did Not

"Birds have nests, foxes have dens But the hope of the whole world rests On the shoulders of a homeless man You had the shoulders of a homeless man And the world can't stand what it can't own And it can't own You 'Cause You did not have a home"
Home ownership is a status of "arriving" in the U.S.. Being homeless is a curse. I witnessed that firsthand in May when we visited CCNV, the nations largest homeless shelter. But what does "home" mean? Well, to us, it is a calling. An investment, not in bricks and mortar, but in people and community. Jesus knew that and therefore wasn't concerned with the physicality of his home, but those with whom he lived, and dined, and played, and served. They defined his home. And we are redefining what home is for us.
Join us on the journey, be at home with us wherever we are.
God Bless
The Hos
'Cause You did not have a home
We love to read everything that you write Lisa Ho!! It always reads like a good book.
Keep it up..blessings....
You'll never guess who I ran into while walking back from Ballycastle yesterday. Ok, so you prolly did guess it. Steve! He got out of his car and said, 'Hey, are you by chance here from Ohio?' I was floored! He said he'd get my email from you and set up some time for me to come up to Queens. How cool is Steve? I hope Ohio is great! Miss you!
you do realize how funny it is to read "God Bless The Hos", right? I think maybe it should be a bumper sticker.
Glad you're back, and that your trip was such a great experience!
Lisa, it sounds like your experience was fabulous and I can't wait for us to do it again next summer, fingers crossed!! You write beautifully too so it's all very fun to read.
Miss you tons and I'll see you in a week or so.
Steph Bolo
Seems like Luong is having FUN!
nice website Lisa!
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