So you haven't heard much from us... and for good reason! We have been on planes, trains, and automobiles for the past month and we aren't slowing down any time soon! Here's a quick recap and some pictures!
May 21-31: Lisa returns to her "homeland".
I was hugely blessed to co-lead a trip of 8 students to Northern Ireland for 10 days. We spent part of that time at Corrymeela Center for Reconciliation (where Luong and I served for a month last summer) and part of our time in Belfast (hosted by Steve Stockman at Queen's University). It was an amazing experience to watch students serve, wrestle with, and grow in understanding of the Troubles that impacted this country and its people for over 30 years. I learned even more than I could imagine this time- about the conflicts, reconciliation, and myself.
The 2007 team
June 3-6 (Lisa)/ 3-8 (Luong): Washington, D.C.
If you can imagine Luong and Lisa taking on D.C... Luong with 400 8th grade students on their annual trip and Lisa with 14 students at the annual Pentecost conference hosted by Sojourners. Luong's trip went smoothly- well as smoothly as you can imagine taking 400 middle school students to D.C. ;-)
Lisa and her crew of students heard from a great and inspiring set of presenters and even made it onto CNN as a part of the Presidential Canadites forum on Faith and Values. Check out to find footage.
June 8-15 Young Life's Lake Champion in New York
Yep- check the dates, Luong rolled in about 7 AM worked a full day at school and we then left around 5:30 PM for New York. After spending a night in State College, PA we were off to Young Life's Lake Champion for a week of hosting other adults interested in the ministry of Young Life. It was a restful and inspirational experinence. It was also a bit disorienting considering we have spent years running around YL camps with students. But it was an amazing way to serve and see the ministry of Young Life. We did get to watch as 30+ students and leaders from Delaware ruled the camp and had the best week of their lives!
June 19-23 CCO New Staff Training- Grove City, PA
Over the past couple years, I (Lisa) has been praying through joining the Coalition for Christian Outreach as an Associate Staff memeber... the benefits include campus ministry training, ministry resources, and a network of quality campus ministers. I finally took the plunge this summer which took me to Grove City College to participate in the first week of their new staff training program. My job description, title, and position at OWU does not change in anyway, I can just now access the resources of the CCO better and have a greater network of co-laborers in ministry! To learn more about CCO visit their website at
Future travel plans...
June 23-July 6 Luong to L.A.
On Saturday Luong is flying out to Santa Ana, CA to be with his mom who is recovering from stomach surgery last month. He will spend about 2 weeks with her before I join him on July 4th. Then, the two of us will head up to Seattle for a couple days, rent a car and drive to Calgary, Alberta Canada. It should be a beautiful two day drive through the Canadian Rockies (we're spending a night at Sun Peaks Resort- which comes recommended ? by the Stockmans). We'll spend a few days with Luong's sister and family in Calgary (visit the world famous Stampede) and then drive back to Vancouver, British Columbia for a few days before flying back to Columbus on July 15th.
So there ya go- the Hos are on the road. Please pray for us and check back for cool pictures!
1 comment:
Wow, you have been busy. Thanks for the update, we've been wondering about you. Welcome to the CCO!!!
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