I realize it has been quite some time since we have blogged. The holidays have come and gone and we have truly enjoyed some quality R&R. We have also enjoyed time visiting Lisa's family in Indiana for a few days and hosting friends here at the Ho house.
We are hoping that 2008 will be as full and blessed as 2007! The new year will bring more traveling (of course!) and graduate school! Our adoption is now in the hands of the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs. There is an outside chance we may be expedited due to Luong's ethnic heritage, but we do not quite meet the official standards. We will know more in late 2008. If we are expedited we may go to China as early as early '09... if not we are looking at 2010. It may seem like a long time to wait and many have asked why so long, but we have a peace about knowing no matter how long it takes our daughter will be waiting for us!
May God Bless everyone with peace, love, joy, and hope in the New Year!
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